Oscar za krátky animovaný film
· 1 1930s
· 2 1940s
· 3 1950s
· 4 1960s
· 5 1970s
· 6 1980s
· 7 1990s
· 8 2000s
· 9 2010s
· 10 Referencie
Oscar za krátky animovaný film je cena, ktorú udeľuje Akadémia filmových umení a vied. Je každoročnou súčasťou udeľovania cien Akadémie od 5. ročníka udeľovania cien Akadémie v rokoch 1931 - 1932.
Od roku 1932 do roku 1970 bola táto kategória známa ako "Krátke predmety, karikatúry". Od roku 1971 do roku 1973 to bola kategória "Krátke predmety, animované filmy". Súčasný názov sa začal používať pri udeľovaní cien v roku 1974. Do roku 1952 boli na túto cenu nominované len americké filmy.
Akadémia definuje krátky film ako "nie dlhší ako 40 minút vrátane všetkých titulkov".
Ako krátke témy (karikatúry)
- 1932 (5.) Kvety a stromy - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Mickeyho siroty - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Opäť ma to dostalo! - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- 1933 (6.) Tri prasiatka - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Budova - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Veselá stará duša - Universal - Walter Lantz
- 1934 (7.) - Korytnačka a zajac - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Holiday Land - Screen Gems, Columbia - Charles Mintz
- Veselí škriatkovia - Universal - Walter Lantz
- 1935 (8.) Tri osirelé mačiatka - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- The Calico Dragon - Harman-Ising, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Hugh Harman a Rudolf Ising
- Kto zabil kohúta Robina? - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1936 (9.) The Country Cousin - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- Old Mill Pond - Harman-Ising, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Hugh Harman a Rudolf Ising
- Pepek námorník stretáva Sindbáda námorníka - Fleischer Studios, Paramount - Max Fleischer
- 1937 (10.) Starý mlyn - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Vzdelaná ryba - Fleischer Studios, Paramount- Max Fleischer
- Dievčatko so zápalkami - Screen Gems, Columbia - Charles Mintz
- 1938 (11.) Ferdinand the Bull - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Odvážny malý krajčír - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Mother Goose Goes Hollywood - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Dobrí skauti - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Hunky and Spunky - Fleischer Studios, Paramount - Max Fleischer
- 1939 (12.) Škaredé káčatko - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Obchádzka Ameriky - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Pokoj na Zemi - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby a Hugh Harman
- Ukazovateľ - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1940 (13.) Mliečna dráha - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby & Rudolph Ising
- Kocúr dostáva topánku - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Rudolph Ising
- Divoký zajac - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- 1941 (14.) Lend a Paw - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Hiawathin lov na králika - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros - Leon Schlesinger
- Ako prišla vojna - Screen Gems, Columbia - George Winkler
- Noc pred Vianocami - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Rapsódia v nitoch - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Medveď Rookie - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby a Rudolph Ising
- Rytmus v radoch - Paramount - George Pal
- Superman - Fleischer Studios, Paramount - Max Fleischer
- Záškolák Donald - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1942 (15th) Der Fuehrer's Face - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- All Out for 'V' - Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- Blitz Wolf - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Juke Box Jamboree - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Prasatá v polke - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Tulipány budú rásť - Paramount - George Pal
- 1943 (16.) The Yankee Doodle Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Dizzy Acrobat - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- 500 klobúkov Bartholomewa Cubbinsa - Paramount - George Pal
- Návnada na pozdrav - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Imagination - Screen Gems, Columbia - Dave Fleischer
- Rozum a cit - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1944 (17.) Mouse Trouble - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- A myslím, že som to videl na Mulberry Street - Paramount - George Pal
- Pes, mačka a kanárik - Screen Gems, Columbia - Raymond Katz
- Fish Fry - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Ako hrať futbal - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- My Boy, Johnny - Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- Swooner Crooner - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- 1945 (18.) Ticho, prosím! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Donaldov zločin - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Jasper a fazuľový stonok - Paramount - George Pal
- Život s perím - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life - Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- Básnik a sedliak - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Vlniaca sa romantika - Screen Gems, Columbia - Raymond Katz
- 1946 (19.) The Cat Concerto - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Hudobné momenty od Chopina - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- John Henry and the Inky-Poo - Paramount - George Pal
- Squatter's Rights - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Walky Talky Hawky - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- 1947 (20.) Tweetie Pie - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- Chip an' Dale - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Dr. Jekyll a pán Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fred Quimby
- Plutova modrá nota - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Tubby the Tuba - Paramount - George Pal
- 1948 (21st) The Little Orphan - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Mickey a pečať - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Myši na rozbitie - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- Robin Hoodlum - UPA, Columbia - John Hubley a Raymond Katz
- Čaj pre dve stovky - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1949 (22.) For Scent-imental Reasons - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- Hatch Up Your Troubles - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Magic Fluke - UPA, Kolumbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Hračkárstvo - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1950 (23.) Gerald McBoing-Boing - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Jerryho bratranec - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Trouble Indemnity - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1951 (24.) The Two Mouseketeers - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Lambert the Sheepish Lion - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Rooty Toot Toot - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1952 (25.) Johann Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Malý Johnny Jet - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Madeline - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Pink and Blue Blues - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Romantika dopravy v Kanade - National Film Board of Canada - Colin Low
- 1953 (26.) Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- Christopher Crumpet - United Productions of America, Columbia- Stephen Bosustow
- Od A po Z-Z-Z-Z - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- Drsný medveď - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- The Tell-Tale Heart - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1954 (27.) When Magoo Flew - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Bláznivé popletené šteniatko - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal-International - Walter Lantz
- Prasatá sú prasatá - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Piesočné pazúry - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- Touché, Pussy Cat! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- 1955 (28.) Speedy Gonzales - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- Dobrá vôľa mužom - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby, William Hanna a Joseph Barbera
- Legenda o Rockabye Point - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal-International - Walter Lantz
- No Hunting - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1956 (29.) Magoo's Puddle Jumper - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Gerald McBoing-Boing on Planet Moo - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- The Jaywalker - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1957 (30.) Anonymní vtáci - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- One Droopy Knight - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - William Hanna a Joseph Barbera
- Tabasco Road - Warner Bros - Edward Selzer
- Stromy a Jamaica Daddy - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- Pravda o Matke Husi - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- 1958 (31.) Knighty Knight Bugs - Warner Bros. - John W. Burton
- Paul Bunyan - Walt Disney Productions,., Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- Sidneyho rodokmeň - Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - William M. Weiss
- 1959 (32.) Moonbird - Storyboard-Harrison - John Hubley a Faith Elliott Hubley
- Mexicali Shmoes - Warner Bros. - John W. Burton
- Noemova archa - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- Huslista - Pintoff Prods., Kingsley International - Ernest Pintoff
- 1960 (33.) Munro - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - William L. Snyder
- Goliáš II - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- High Note - Warner Bros. - Chuck Jones
- Myš a záhrada - Warner Bros - Friz Freleng
- Miesto na slnku (krátky) - George K. Arthur-Go Pictures (československý) - František Vystrecil
- 1961 (34.) Ersatz (Náhradník) - Zagreb Film, Herts-Lion International Corp.
- Aquamania - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- Beep Prepared - Warner Bros - Chuck Jones
- Nelly's Folly - Warner Bros - Chuck Jones
- Krysař z Guadalupe - Warner Bros - Friz Freleng
- 1962 (35.) The Hole - Storyboard Inc., Brandon Films - John Hubley a Faith Hubley
- Icarus Montgolfier Wright - Format Films, United Artists - Jules Engel
- Teraz si to vypočujte - Warner Bros. - David H. DePatie
- Sebaobrana ... pre zbabelcov - Rembrandt Films, Filmové reprezentácie - William L. Snyder
- Sympózium o populárnych piesňach - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- 1963 (36.) The Critic - Pintoff-Crossbow Prods., Columbia - Ernest Pintoff
- Autománia 2000 - Pathé Contemporary Films - John Halas
- Hra (Igra) - Rembrandt Films, Filmové reprezentácie - Dušan Vukotic
- Moja finančná kariéra - National Film Board of Canada, Walter Reade-Sterling-Continental Distributing - Gerald Potterton
- Pianissimo - Kino 16 - Carmen D'Avino
- 1964 (37.) The Pink Phink - Mirisch Films, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, United Artists - David H. DePatie a Friz Freleng
- Christmas Cracker - National Film Board of Canada, Obľúbené filmy Kalifornie - Norman McLaren, Jeff Hale, Gerald Potterton a Grant Munro
- Ako sa vyhnúť priateľstvu - Rembrandtove filmy, filmové reprezentácie - William L. Snyder
- Nudnik č. 2 - Rembrandtove filmy, filmové reprezentácie - William L. Snyder
- 1965 (38.) The Dot and the Line - Sib Tower 12 Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Chuck Jones a Les Goldman
- Clay or the Origin of Species - Harvard University, Pathé Contemporary Films - Eliot Noyes, Jr.
- Zlodejská straka (La Gazza Ladra) - Allied Artists - Emanuele Luzzati
- 1966 (39.) Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature - Paramount - John Hubley a Faith Hubley
- The Drag - National Film Board of Canada, Obľúbené filmy - Carlos Marchiori
- The Pink Blueprint - Mirisch Films, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, United Artists - David H. DePatie a Friz Freleng
- 1967 (40.) The Box (krátky) - Brandon Films - Fred Wolf
- Hypothese Beta - Films Orzeaux, Pathé Contemporary Films - Jean-Charles Meunier
- Čo to preboha je! - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Les Drew a Kaj Pindal
- 1968 (41.) Medvedík Pú a búrlivý deň - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney (posmrtné víťazstvo)
- Dom, ktorý postavil Jack - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Ron Tunis
- Čarovná hruška - Bing Crosby Prods. - Jimmy Murakami
- Veterný deň - Hubley Studios, Paramount - John Hubley a Faith Hubley
- 1969 (42.) Je ťažké byť vtákom - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Ward Kimball
- O ľuďoch a démonoch - Hubley Studios, Paramount - John Hubley a Faith Hubley
- Chôdza - National Film Board of Canada, Kolumbia - Ryan Larkin
- 1970 (43.) Je vždy správne mať pravdu? - Stephen Bosustow Prods., Schoenfeld Films - Nick Bosustow
- Ďalšie dobrodružstvá strýčka Sama: -Haboush Company, Goldstone Films - Robert Mitchell a Dale Case
- Pastier - Cameron Guess and Associates, Brandon Films - Cameron Guess
Názov ceny sa zmenil na Krátke témy (animované filmy)
- 1971 (44.) The Crunch Bird - Maxwell-Petok, Petrovich Prods., Regency Films - Ted Petok
- Evolution - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Michael Mills
- Sebecký obor - Potterton Prods., Pyramid Films - Peter Sander a Gerald Potterton
- 1972 (45.) Vianočná koleda - American Broadcasting Company - Richard Williams
- Kámasútra opäť jazdí - Lion International Films - Bob Godfrey
- Tup Tup - Zagreb Film, Corona Cinematografica, Manson Distributing - Nedeljko Dragic
- 1973 (46.) Frank Film - Frank Mouris Prod. - Frank Mouris
- Legenda o Johnovi Henrym - Bosustow-Pyramid Films - Nick Bosustow a David Adams
- Pulcinella - Luzzati-Gianini Prod. - Emanuele Luzzati a Guilo Gianini
Názov ceny sa zmenil na Krátke filmy (animované filmy)
- 1974 (47.) Zatvorené pondelky - Lighthouse Productions - Will Vinton a Bob Gardiner
- Rodina, ktorá žila oddelene - National Film Board of Canada - Yvon Mallette a Robert Verrall
- Hlad - National Film Board of Canada - Peter Foldes a René Jodoin
- Cesta na ďalšie miesto - Štúdio Hubley - John Hubley a Faith Hubley
- Medvedík Pú a Tigrík tiež! - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Wolfgang Reitherman
- 1975 (48.) Veľký - Grantstern, British Lion Films Ltd. - Bob Godfrey
- Kick Me - Swarthe Productions - Robert Swarthe
- Monsieur Pointu - National Film Board of Canada - René Jodoin, Bernard Longpré a André Leduc
- Sisyfos - Hungarofilms - Marcell Jankovics
- 1976 (49.) Voľný čas - Film Austrália - Suzanne Baker
- Dedalo - Cineteam Realizzazioni - Manfredo Manfredi
- The Street - National Film Board of Canada - Caroline Leaf a Guy Glover
- 1977 (50.) The Sand Castle - National Film Board of Canada - Co Hoedeman
- Korálková hra - National Film Board of Canada - Ishu Patel
- A Doonesbury Special - Hubley Studio - John Hubley (posmrtná nominácia), Faith Hubley a Garry Trudeau
- Jimmy the C - Motionpicker Production - James Picker, Robert Grossman a Craig Whitaker
- 1978 (51.) Special Delivery - National Film Board of Canada - Eunice Macauley a John Weldon
- Oh My Darling - Nico Crama Productions - Nico Crama
- Rip Van Winkle - Will Vinton/Billy Budd - Will Vinton
- 1979 (52.) Každé dieťa - National Film Board of Canada - Derek Lamb
- Dream Doll - Godfrey Films, Zagreb Film, Halas and Batchelor, Film Wright - Bob Godfrey a Zlatko Grgic
- Je pekné mať doma vlka - AR&T Productions, Learning Corporation of America - Paul Fierlinger
- 1980 (53.) Mucha - PannóniaFilm, Budapešť - Ferenc Rófusz
- Všetko nič - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back
- Dejiny sveta v troch minútach - Michael Mills Productions Ltd. - Michael Mills
- 1981 (54.) Crac - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back
- Stvorenie - Will Vinton Productions - Will Vinton
- Nežný príbeh o Popoluške Tučniakovi - National Film Board of Canada - Janet Perlman
- 1982 (55.) Tango - Film Polski - Zbigniew Rybczyński
- Veľké kognito - Will Vinton Productions - Will Vinton
- Snehuliak - Snowman Enterprises Ltd., Channel 4 - Dianne Jackson
- 1983 (56.) Sundae in New York - Motionpicker Production - Jimmy Picker
- Mickeyho vianočná koleda - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Burny Mattinson
- Sound of Sunshine - Sound of Rain - Hallinan Plus - Eda Hallinan
- 1984 (57.) Šaráda - Michael Mills Productions, Sheridan College - Jon Minnis
- Doktor DeSoto - Sporn Animation - Morton Schindel a Michael Sporn
- Raj - National Film Board of Canada - Ishu Patel
- 1985 (58.) Anna & Bella - Holandsko - Børge Ring
- The Big Snit - National Film Board of Canada - Richard Condie a Michael Scott
- Pošta druhej triedy - National Film & Television School - Alison Snowden
- 1986 (59.) Grécka tragédia - CineTe pvba - Linda Van Tulden a Willem Thijsen
- Žaba, pes a diabol - Novozélandská národná filmová jednotka - Bob Stenhouse (režisér/animátor), Hugh MacDonald a Martin Townsend
- Luxo Jr. - Pixar - John Lasseter a William Reeves
- 1987 (60.) Muž, ktorý sadil stromy - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Frédéric Back
- George a Rosemary - National Film Board of Canada - Eunice Macaulay - Alison Snowden - David Fine
- Tvoja tvár - Bill Plympton
- 1988 (61.) Plechová hračka - Pixar - John Lasseter a William Reeves
- Mačka sa vrátila - National Film Board of Canada - Cordell Barker
- Technologická hrozba - Bill Kroyer
- 1989 (62.) Bilancia - Wolfgang a Christoph Lauenstein
- Krava - Alexander Petrov
- Farma na kopci - Mark Baker
- 1990 (63.) Creature Comforts - Aardman Animations, Channel 4 - Nick Park
- Veľký deň vonku - Aardman Animations, National Film & Television School - Nick Park
- Kobylky - Bruno Bozzetto
- 1991 (64.) Manipulácia - Daniel Greaves
- Blackfly - National Film Board of Canada - Christopher Hinton
- Struny - National Film Board of Canada - Wendy Tilby
- 1992 (65.) Mona Lisa zostupujúca po schodoch - Joan C. Gratz
- Adam - Aardman Animations - Peter Lord
- Reci, Reci, Reci... - Michaela Pavlátová
- Piesočný muž - Paul Berry
- Hra na plátne - Barry Purves
- 1993 (66.) The Wrong Trousers - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
- Blindscape - Národná filmová a televízna škola - Stephen Palmer
- Mocná rieka - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back a Hubert Tison
- Small Talk - Bob Godfrey a Kevin Baldwin
- Dedina - Mark Baker
- 1994 (67.) Bobove narodeniny - Snowden Fine Animation, National Film Board of Canada, Channel 4 - Alison Snowden a David Fine
- Veľký príbeh - Tim Watts a David Stoten
- Upratovačka - Vanessa Schwartz
- Mních a ryba - Michael Dudok de Wit
- Trojuholník - Erica Russell
- 1995 (68.) A Close Shave - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
- Kura z vesmíru - Stretch Films, Hanna-Barbera, Cartoon Network - John Dilworth
- Koniec - Alias|Wavefront - Chris Landreth a Robin Barger
- Gagarin - Alexiy Kharitidi
- Unikajúci mozog - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Chris Bailey
- 1996 (69.) Quest - Tyron Montgomery a Thomas Stellmach
- Canhead - Timothy Hittle
- La Salla - National Film Board of Canada - Richard Condie
- Prasiatko Wat - Aardman Animations, Channel 4 - Peter Lord
- 1997 (70.) Geriho hra - Pixar - Jan Pinkava
- Slávny Fred - Joanna Quinn
- Morská panna - Aleksandr Petrov
- Redux Riding Hood - Walt Disney Television Animation - Steve Moore
- La Vieille dame et les pigeons - Sylvain Chomet
- 1998 (71.) Bunny - Blue Sky Studios - Chris Wedge
- Canterburské poviedky - S4C, BBC Wales, HBO -Christopher Grace a Jonathan Myerson
- Jolly Roger - Astley Baker Davies, Silver Bird Productions, Channel 4 - Mark Baker
- Viac - Bad Clams Productions, Swell Productions - Mark Osborne a Steven B. Kalafer
- Keď život odchádza - Karsten Kiilerich a Stefan Fjeldmark
- 1999 (72.) Starec a more - Alexander Petrov
- 3 Misses - CineTe - Paul Driessen
- Humdrum - Aardman Animations, Canal+, Channel 4 - Peter Peake
- Moja babička žehlila kráľovi košele - Studio Magica, National Film Board of Canada - Torill Kove
- Keď sa deň zlomí - National Film Board of Canada - Wendy Tilby a Amanda Forbis
- 2000 (73.) Otec a dcéra - Michaël Dudok de Wit
- Periwig Maker - Ideal Standard Film - Steffen Schäffler a Annette Schäffler
- Odmietnuté - Bitter Films - Don Hertzfeldt
- 2001 (74.) Pre vtáky - Pixar - Ralph Eggleston
- Fifty Percent Grey - Ruairi Robinson a Seamus Byrne
- Vzdaj sa svojich hriechov - Brown Bag Films - Cathal Gaffney a Darragh O'Connell
- Podivní votrelci - National Film Board of Canada - Cordell Barker
- Stubble Trouble - Calabash Animation - Joseph E. Merideth
- 2002 (75. ročník) The ChubbChubbs! - Sony Pictures Animation, Columbia - Jacquie Barnbrook, Eric Armstrong a Jeff Wolverton
- Katedra - Tomek Baginski
- Mikovo nové auto - Pixar - Pete Docter a Roger Gould
- Hlava hory - Kōji Yamamura
- Das Rad - Filmová akadémia Bádensko-Württembersko - Chris Stenner, Arvid Uibel a Heidi Wittlinger
- 2003 (76.) Harvie Krumpet - Austrálska filmová komisia, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Adam Elliot
- Boundin' - Pixar - Bud Luckey
- Gone Nutty - Blue Sky Studios - Carlos Saldanha a John C. Donkin
- Nibbles - Chris Hinton
- Destino - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Dominique Monféry a Roy E. Disney
- 2004 (77.) Ryan - Chris Landreth - National Film Board of Canada
- Narodeninový chlapec - Austrálska filmová, televízna a rozhlasová škola - Sejong Park a Andrew Gregory
- Gopher Broke - Blur Studio - Jeff Fowler a Tim Miller
- Strážny pes - Bill Plympton
- Lorenzo - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Mike Gabriel a Baker Bloodworth
- 2005 (78.) Mesiac a syn: John Canemaker: Mesiac a mesiac: imaginárny rozhovor - John Canemaker
- Badgered - Národná filmová a televízna škola - Sharon Colman
- Záhadné geografické výskumy Jaspera Morella - 3d Films Pty Ltd., Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Anthony Lucas
- 9 - Workshop animácie UCLA, Thinkart Films - Shane Acker
- One Man Band - Pixar - Andrew Jimenez a Mark Andrews
- 2006 (79.) Dánsky básnik - Torill Kove - Mikrofilm AS, National Film Board of Canada
- Zdvihnutý - Pixar - Gary Rydstrom
- Dievčatko so zápalkami - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Roger Allers a Don Hahn
- Maestro - Géza M. Tóth
- No Time for Nuts - Blue Sky Studios, - Chris Renaud a Michael Thurmeier
- 2007 (80.) Peter a vlk - Se-ma-for, BreakThru Films - Suzie Templeton
- Aj holuby chodia do neba - BUF - Samuel Tourneux a Simon Vanesse
- Stretol som mroža - Josh Raskin
- Madame Tutli-Putli - National Film Board of Canada - Chris Lavis a Maciek Szczerbowski
- Moja láska - Aleksandr Petrov
- 2008 (81.) La Maison en petits cubes - Robot & Oh! Production - Kunio Katō
- Lavatory - Lovestory - Štúdio animácie Melnitsa - Konstantin Bronzit
- Oktapodi - Gobelins L'École de L'Image - Emud Mokhberi a Thierry Marchand
- Presto - Pixar - Doug Sweetland
- This Way Up - Nexus Productions - Alan Smith a Adam Foulkes
- 2009 (82.) Logorama - H5, Autour de Minuit Productions - Nicolas Schmerkin
- Šípková Ruženka babky O'Grimmovej - Brown Bag Films - Nicky Phelan a Darragh O'Connell
- Francúzska pečienka - Fabrice Joubert
- Dáma a smrtka - Kandor Grafika - Javier Recio Gracia
- Záležitosť chleba a smrti - Aardman Animations - Nick Park
- 2010 (83.) Stratená vec - Shaun Tan a Andrew Ruhemann
- Deň a noc - Pixar - Teddy Newton
- Gruffalo - Magic Light Pictures, Studio Soi - Jakob Schuh a Max Lang
- Znečisťujme - Geefwee Boedoe
- Madagaskar, denník z cesty - Bastien Dubois
- 2011 (84.) The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore - Moonbot Studios - William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg
- Dimanche - National Film Board of Canada - Patrick Doyon
- La Luna - Pixar - Enrico Casarosa
- Ranná prechádzka - Štúdio AKA - Grant Orchard a Sue Goffe
- Divoký život - National Film Board of Canada - Wendy Tilby a Amanda Forbis
Otázky a odpovede
Otázka: Čo je to cena Akadémie za krátky animovaný film?
Odpoveď: Cena Akadémie za krátky animovaný film je ocenenie, ktoré udeľuje Akadémia filmových umení a vied. Je každoročnou súčasťou udeľovania cien Akadémie od 5. ročníka udeľovania cien Akadémie v rokoch 1931-1932.
Otázka: Odkedy je táto kategória známa ako "Krátke filmy, kreslené filmy"?
Odpoveď: Táto kategória bola známa ako "Short Subjects, Cartoons" od roku 1932 do roku 1970.
Otázka: Aký názov mala od roku 1971 do roku 1973?
Odpoveď: V rokoch 1971 až 1973 bola táto kategória známa ako "Krátke predmety, animované filmy".
Otázka: Kedy sa začal používať súčasný názov?
Odpoveď: Súčasný názov sa začal udeľovať v roku 1974.
Otázka: Mohli byť pred rokom 1952 nominované aj filmy z iných krajín?
Odpoveď: Do roku 1952 boli na cenu nominované len americké filmy.
Otázka: Aký dlhý môže byť film, aby sa mohol uchádzať o toto ocenenie?
Odpoveď: Akadémia definuje krátkometrážne filmy ako "nie dlhšie ako 40 minút vrátane všetkých titulkov".